Saturday 19 January 2008

Buying tyres online? A few points to consider before you buy.

The tyres industry has seen major changes over the past few years with an increasing number of companies selling tyres online. For many customers this provides a convenient way to buy tyres as it gives them the time and flexibility to browse for the best online tyre deals. So whether they are looking for an economy tyre or a performance tyre they can view the best price from each online dealer immediately without having to enter into the bartering 'price promise' routine that is now common place in fitting centres across the UK.

Merityre were one of the early pioneers of online tyre sales having traded tyres online for several years, publishing competitive prices and useful information to help customers choose the right tyres for their vehicle. In 2006 however, Merityre decided to join the other leading members of the ITR (Independent Tyre Retailers) to create to ensure that customers could buy their tyres online at the most competitive prices with the peace-of-mind that all members of the ITR throughout the UK have specialist workshops and highly skilled professionals fitting the tyres from stock.

Unfortunately this is not the case for some of the other online tyre retailers as they do not have their own dedicated tyre fitting centres and therefore often only have the agreement of a limited number of tyre fitting centres who are prepared to fit tyres that have been provided by the online reseller rather than tyres from their own stock. This means that customers will often have to travel several miles to get their tyres fitted, passing several local ITR tyre fitting centres on their way in order to save a few pounds on the overall cost of a single tyre. So are they really saving anything when fuel prices are at an all time high - when they account for their time and fuel costs travelling the extra distance?

Motorists should therefore consider these points when considering buying their tyres online: -

1 - Calculate whether you are you really saving anything buying your tyres online by taking into account any possible inconvenience caused by the extra distance you may have to travel

2 - Make sure that you are familiar with the fitting centre that will be fitting your tyres (and find out whether they have the necessary equipment and technology to ensure that your tyre is fitted safely)

3 - Find out if the tyre you purchase online will be fitted from stock or whether the tyre is simply sent through to the fitting centre from the online reseller

My advice to customers is to support your local fitting centre and contribute to your own community (e.g. local jobs will depend on local business from local people to survive). So by supporting your local fitting centre, you'll soon find that your local fitting centre will support you too, and when you want your tyres checking, or you have any problems with your car, you will be able to pop in and feel comfortable talking to the mechanics and fitters, who will be local people who will be happy to help you. If you feel more comfortable buying your tyres online then buy your tyres from and choose your local fitting centre to fit your tyre to ensure that you get the best deal whilst supporting your local dealer.

Well, I'm off to my local Merityre fitting centre now, as I think, (but I'm not sure), that I may have a slow puncture and I have no idea how to check whether this is the case (or did some little blighter let my tyre down overnight?). I'm also not sure whether it can be repaired or whether I need to buy a new tyre - and then which tyre should I buy for my car? Should I buy the tyres recommended by the manufacturer or should I buy an alternative economy tyre? ..I'm sure they can help me make sense of it all...

For further information on Merityre's local fitting centres visit